Love test

Is he/she cheating on me?

In any relationship, there can come a moment of doubt when you ask yourself, "Is he / she cheating on me?" This love test will answer that very important question. However, usually if you ask this question, you already suspect that you are a victim of infidelity, or at least that something is wrong in your relationship. That is why you are looking for confirmation whether he / she is cheating on you or is he / she faithful? The answer, however, is not that simple. In any relationship, the signs of betrayal can be influenced and differentiated by many factors. However, there are some typical behaviors that indicate infidelity. Thanks to them, in response to this love test, you will get information, not only about whether he / she is cheating on you, but whether he / she cheated before, whether he / she has another, or maybe he / she is thinking about cheating.
Give the answer according to what you feel, don't hesitate too long, usually the first answer that comes to mind is the real answer. Remember that by answering questions truthfully you will only fool yourself.

Love test. Is he / she cheating on me?

    A few facts about cheating.
  • It is cheated by almost half of men and every third woman
    Research shows that men are more prone to infidelity, because over 50% of them decide to take such a step. Among women, this percentage is also not low, because over 30% of women decide to "jump to the side".

  • Most men cheat when they are in a happy relationship.
    About 6 out of 10 men cheating were in happy relationships. By comparison, only 3 out of 10 unfaithful women said their relationship was happy or very happy.

  • The reason women cheating is loneliness.
    Experts believe that men's main motivation is sex or the desire to get more attention. On the other hand, women look for the emotional complement that is missing in their relationship, often resulting from loneliness. Therefore, it is women who fall in love with their lover more often.

  • Women earning much less than their husbands are less likely to cheat.
    Studies comparing income and infidelity show that women are least likely to be unfaithful when dependent on their husband's income. This may be due to fewer opportunities for extramarital affairs and the fear of losing money.

  • Men earning much less than their wives are more likely to cheat.
    The same studies of income and infidelity found the opposite for men. Men dependent entirely on their wife's income were five times more likely to have extra-marital affairs. Here, the main reason is given to confirm the "masculinity" of men.

  • Cheating is not the main reason for divorce.
    While adultery remains the main reason for relationship breakdowns in couples who do not marry, but marriages are not. The most common reason for divorce is incompatibility of characters.

  • Talking helps.
    Experts say it is important to tackle cheating issues early. Even if there is no proven evidence that the cheating partner interview and clarification will help strengthen trust and resolve any issues that could be causing the cheating.

  • Spying doesn't help.
    If you have doubts about your partner's integrity be sure to talk to them, do not spy . By spying, you may be able to prove that your partner is cheating, but you can never prove that it was not cheating. By doing this, you only destroy the trust, sense of security and communication needed for a good relationship between you. It can be more harmful to your relationship than cheating.

  • Sex is not always a cue.
    Your partner suddenly doesn't feel like having sex as before - you think "He / she is probably cheating on me." However, it is not so obvious. What if suddenly he / she more often initiates close-ups and wants to try new positions in surprising places - is it okay? Well no. Psychologists say that both sudden changes can be disturbing, but the cause is not always cheating. Many different factors can influence this behavior.

  • Cheating is in genes.
    Of course genetics will not determine our future, but there is evidence that genes associated with sensation-seeking behavior, such as drinking or gambling, may also be associated with promiscuity and infidelity. The research focused on the DRD4 gene, which is associated with reward and well-being. People with a variant of this gene were more likely to be unfaithful to their partners or led a loose lifestyle; 50% of them admitted cheating, compared with 22% who did not have a variant of this gene. However, this does not mean that every person who drinks alcohol and gambles is automatically unfaithful.

  • There is no single definition of cheating.
    What really is relationship cheating? Is cheating always sex outside of your partner, or is it just a date / meeting with a stranger or a kiss, touching intimate places without intercourse, honestly telling her / him about you and your relationship, watching pornography, or maybe just flirting or admiring the beauty of another person? It turns out that whether people consider a given behavior as infidelity depends on many factors, including religious beliefs, self-esteem, culture, customs, place of upbringing, empathy, age, experiences, etc. As a result, what is cheating in one relationship, in another it may turn out to be an innocent contact. That is why it is so important to talk, understand your partner and set boundaries.

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